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Learn How To Do Marketing Using Twitter

Learn How To Do Marketing Using Twitter

If you’re looking for a fairly automated way to build a brand online, you don’t have to look further than twitter.

Twitter is so easy to use. Of course this does not mean automatic success but, with everything else being equal, twitter compared to other social media platforms, is definitely esier to master.

First of all, it is very friendly to automation. They don’t have to babysit each tweet. Basically, they keep reapeating this process until they get it right.

You can’t expect massive success without having put in the time.

Do These First Before You Start Marketing on Twitter

Find Top – Notch Content In Your Niche.

Ones you’ve setup a website and a mailing list, the next step on your journey to marketing you website and mailing list on Twitter is content.

Nine times out of ten, that content doesn’t work, but thankfully, there’s a shortcut.

Get Ready to Go Manual or Full Auto

What Is Fully Automated Tweeting?

Fully automated tweeting is exactly what it sounds like. You just set up a schedule and the links and the tweet text that you put are going to be published to your account.

Fully automated tweeting can also mean using certain tools like FollowLiker, that actually mimics liking other people’s account.

Fully automated tweeting also included this. While few people will have problems with automating publishing, most people would few automated liking or automated favoriting or listing with more suspicion.

Manual Tweeting Marketing

Follow Real Niche – Specific Acounts

Ones you’ve done the above steps, you should be able to identify the accounts of people in your niche or twitter. You need to look at enough of their tweets to see if this person truly cares about your niche.

Manual Tweeting Pros and Cons

The first advantage is to get a higher level of engagement. Whwn you do this, your not engaging in a pissing contest.

True experts will accept the fact that not everybody will agree with them. This can lead to instant expert status. Another advantage is you get access to a prequalified niche audience.

How to Find the Right Niche Influence Leaders on Twitter

Look At Their Follower To Following Ratio

This ratio is simple. It is not some bot that is fully automated. This is very important.

Follow and Engage

So, what do you do when you find a niche specific and truly authoritative account on twitter?

Ones you follow them, you engage. You actually have to egaged in a one to one conversation with the person tweeting. No that’s doesn’t work.

This is all but impossible if you’re doing the excact same thing everybody else doing.

What Happens When You Reach High Engagement Levels

The same applies to people clicking the heart button that they like your stuff. But before you get to the traffic focus on engagement level.

If you get a lot of engagement from their accounts and then they’re constantly retweeting you and constantly cliking the heart icon.

You have to convert it. Don’t be shy. Keep pitching because for every single guest post you get. You may get a nice boost in google’s search results.

Always Optimize Your Content

Review your result. These are content types or theme that your think are winners. If you don’t have time or resources to do that, you should find other third-party content that is just like your winning content. Again this takes time.

Twitter Marketing Best Practices

Tweet timing Optimization. Pay attention to the timing of the clicks coming in.

Depending on your time zone, it may well turn out that a lot of your most active followers prefer early morning or late ate night.


Tweeter marketing success is not as hard as you think. There are many home-based entrepreneurs such as yourself or digital marketers who make quite a comfortable living promoting online stores on twitter.

You can’t just choose to do things based on gut feeling. You have to be methodical. Below will help you more.

Twitter Marketing Course

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